On the same day, September 6, 2018, Jair Bolsonaro was stabbed during a meeting with voters in his presidential campaign in Brazil[01] (and he is called homophobic by his opponents) and the Indian Supreme Court decriminalized homosexuality there. In the Trend Topics of Twitter in Brazil, they were "One stabbed Bolsonaro", "India" and "Bozo", that is a pejorative reference to Jair Bolsonaro. The tweets that quoted the two cases, many were abhorrent. For example[02]:
lis hates rere cabrita feia
- they have ended LGBT criminalization in India
- Bolsonaro was stabbed
- tomorrow is a holiday
Thank you, September 6 ????????
But I did not say in the title that "Conservatives made ugly to be hetero and beautiful to be homo" because of Brazilian Christian politicians. It is a good thing that LGBT activists in Brazil are so atypical and crazy, and I do not say this in relation to average Brazilians, but in relation to average Brazilian homosexuals. They know they have no essential worries that Brazilian heterosexual do not have. They know that if Brazil is the country with the most murders of homosexuals in the world, and because they are what they are, the world is almost perfect at least for them. This celebration, therefore, is of abnormal criminals who support the homicide of those against whom they fight, it is not of the homosexuals of the real Brazilian people, except when they make theirs the joy of the homosexuals of the real Indian people. The point here is that the conservatives in India also tried to make it ugly to be a heterosexual man and ended up making it beautiful to be a homosexual person.
Let's start with the description of "Moment" by Twitter Brasil[03] (the one by English correspondent is a bit too short):
Homosexuality ceases to be crime in India
By a unanimous decision, the country's Supreme Court overturned a law of 1861 that punished acts "against nature" and penalized up to 10 years in prison same-sex relationships. That law had already been overturned by a New Delhi court, but the ruling was reversed in 2013 by the Supreme Court itself, which defined that the ruling would be by parliament. As the legislature did not reach agreement, the Indian government once again asked the Supreme Court to pronounce.
Thus, I went to do a quick search on what is, legally, being a straight man in India.
1) Prostitution in India is not illegal, but it is illegal to maintain or manage a brothel, a hotel to allow prostitution, and even to offer or to solicit the service within 200 yards from a public place.[04]
2) There is already a campaign in India entitled "Cool Men Don't Buy Sex", by Apne Aap, a women's network which says it's fighting to "end sex trafficking"[05]. But as I used to say, prohibiting prostitution to end sex trafficking is like outlawing marriage to end domestic violence. And they say that "without demand for purchased sex, traffickers, pimps, and brothel owners would be driven out of business"[06].
3) Sale, circulation, import, export, advertisement, etc. of obscene material gives at least 2 years imprisonment plus fine (section 292 of Indian Penal Code).[07] Obscene acts and songs give at least 3 months in prison, fine or both (section 294).[08]
4) A man seeing or photographing, hiddenly, a nude woman or a woman in undergarment, or he spreading a photo when she consents to the act but not with the divulgation, this is a crime called Voyeurism, with punishment of at least 1 year in prison (section 354C).[09]
5) The rape in Indian law is true rape, not the clownery that is here in Brazil, that touching a woman on the bus is rape or even the "sextortion" via the internet turning into virtual rape[10]. But there, it also includes the case of a man pretending to be the woman's husband. But likewise in Brazil until about 10 years ago, the Indian Penal Code only foresees rape of woman by man. And the age limit of the presumed rape that in Brazil is 14 years old, is 18 there. Unless when the man and the woman are married and she is at least 15 years old (section 375).[11] Prison for at least 20 years, which may be perpetual or death penalty (section 376).[12] If I had to wait until I was 18, I would go crazy. And all the boys that I would miss the chance to... meet from 14 to 18, and the good moments I gave and received, we would lose. And the most dramatic thing for me would be I wanting to be fucked and the boys afraid to fuck me. But the worst thing is that, in practice, this means prohibitting sexual life not of women, but of men under 18 years old, since it should not be usual a woman to be interested in younger men there, likewise that it is not here. And a teenage man having no expectancy of sexual life is a terrible suffering.
6) Ah, and there is no adulterous woman in Indian law.[13] Section 497 of the Indian Penal Code defines adultery as "sexual intercourse with a person who is and whom he knows or has reason to believe to be the wife of another man".[14] Therefore, adultery has only one person, the man who had sex with the another man's wife. Minimum of 5 years imprisonment, fine or both. The married woman is not framed in anything. Oh really.
Homosexuals in India were freed from imprisonment for at least 10 years plus a fine that could reach life imprisonment, for homosexual sex (not because they were homosexuals, as some idiots in Brazil said).[15] Even I'm happy for the gays there (not for the lesbians, because, as we have seen in Brazil, lesbianism is not sexuality, it is psychopathy). But there, heterosexual men did not have a freedom of sexuality that homosexuals have now gained. For example, sexual harassment can only be committed by men, and a man showing pornography to a woman can give up to three years in jail, fine or both (section 354A).[16]
And look, I thought I was going to mention Apne Aap (of that campaign against clients of prostitution) just in passing, I go back to the page and I see in the sidebar the newest post on their Twitter[17]:
"I am what I am. So take me as I am."- CJI @apneaap welcomes the landmark judgement of the honourable Supreme Court of India striking down the draconian section 377. Moving one more step closer to #equality #nomoreclosets #lovewins
Therefore, is heterosexual sex a crime and homosexual sex a love? Oh, what a surprise!
[01] "Jair Bolsonaro leva facada durante ato de campanha em Juiz de Fora", G1, Juiz de Fora, September 06, 2018, https://g1.globo.com/mg/zona-da-mata/noticia/2018/09/06/ato-de-campanha-de-bolsonaro-em-juiz-de-fora-e-interrompido-apos-tumulto.ghtml.
Homosexuality ceased to be a crime in India and you talking about the stabbing that Bolsonaro took
17:23 - Sep 6, 2018
lis hates rere cabrita feia
- they have ended LGBT criminalization in India
- Bolsonaro was stabbed
- tomorrow is a holiday
Thank you, September 6 ????????
19:46 - Sep 6, 2018
Anna ama Camila
Homosexuality ceased to be a crime in India, but it seems that the world cares more about the Bolsonaro being stabbed
21:57 - Sep 6, 2018
on the same day that the news that homosexuality is no longer a crime in India comes out, it happens the business with the Bolsonaro
and no one else talked about this good news, we just kept talking about the guy all day
one more day a white, cis, straight and man taking away LGBT visibility
03:49 - Sep 7, 2018
I think people should talk more about the decriminalization of homosexuality in India than the false stabbing on the fascist
12:02 - Sep 7, 2018
[03] "Homossexualidade deixa de ser crime na Índia", September 06, 2018, https://twitter.com/i/moments/1037651451198222336.
[04] "Legalising Prostitution in India", My India, August 20, 2015, https://www.mapsofindia.com/my-india/india/legal-prostitution-in-india.
[05] https://twitter.com/apneaap
[06] "Demand Side: Cool Men Don’t Buy Sex Campaign", Apne Aap, http://apneaap.org/our-approach/cool-men-dont-buy-sex-campaign.
[07] https://lawrato.com/indian-kanoon/ipc/section-292
[08] https://lawrato.com/indian-kanoon/ipc/section-294
[09] https://lawrato.com/indian-kanoon/ipc/section-354C
[10] "Juiz do Piauí decreta primeira prisão por estupro virtual no Brasil", Jusbrasil, August 08, 2017, https://correcaofgts.jusbrasil.com.br/noticias/485902382/juiz-do-piaui-decreta-primeira-prisao-por-estupro-virtual-no-brasil.
[11] https://lawrato.com/indian-kanoon/ipc/section-375
[12] https://lawrato.com/indian-kanoon/ipc/section-376
[13] "Adultery Law In India: What to do if your spouse is involved in adultery?", Lawnn, March 24, 2018, https://lawnn.com/adultery-law-india.
[14] https://lawrato.com/indian-kanoon/ipc/section-497
[15] https://lawrato.com/indian-kanoon/ipc/section-377
[16] https://lawrato.com/indian-kanoon/ipc/section-354A
[17] Apne Aap, September 06, 2018 at 12:47, https://twitter.com/apneaap/status/1037729000259371010.
Questo testo in italiano senza immagini e video di dissolutezza in Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Come i conservatori hanno reso brutto essere etero e bello essere omo - episodio 2: la depenalizzazione dell'omosessualità in India e note circa eterosessualità (e buoni auguri a Jair Bolsonaro)", https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2018/09/come-i-conservatori-hanno-reso-brutto.html. Questo testo in italiano con immagini e video di dissolutezza in Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Come i conservatori hanno reso brutto essere etero e bello essere omo - episodio 2: la depenalizzazione dell'omosessualità in India e note circa eterosessualità (e buoni auguri a Jair Bolsonaro)", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2018/09/come-i-conservatori-hanno-reso-brutto.html. Ce texte en français sans photos et vidéos de libertinage au Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Comment les conservateurs ont rendu moche être hétéro et beau être homo - épisode 2: la dépénalisation de l'homosexualité en Inde et notes sur l'hétérosexualité (et bons voeux à Jair Bolsonaro)", https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2018/09/comment-les-conservateurs-ont-rendu.html. Ce texte en français avec photos et vidéos de libertinage au Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Comment les conservateurs ont rendu moche être hétéro et beau être homo - épisode 2: la dépénalisation de l'homosexualité en Inde et notes sur l'hétérosexualité (et bons voeux à Jair Bolsonaro)", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2018/09/comment-les-conservateurs-ont-rendu.html. Eso texto en español sin fotos y videos de putaría en Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Como los conservadores hicieron feo ser hetero y hermoso ser homo - episodio 2: la despenalización de la homosexualidad en la India y notas sobre la heterosexualidad (y buenos deseos para Jair Bolsonaro)", https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2018/09/como-los-conservadores-hicieron-feo-ser.html. Eso texto en español con fotos y videos de putaría en Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Como los conservadores hicieron feo ser hetero y hermoso ser homo - episodio 2: la despenalización de la homosexualidad en la India y notas sobre la heterosexualidad (y buenos deseos para Jair Bolsonaro)", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2018/09/como-los-conservadores-hicieron-feo-ser.html. This text in English without licentiousness pictures and videos at Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "How the Conservatives made ugly to be hetero and beautiful to be homo - episode 2: the decriminalization of homosexuality in India and notes about heterosexuality (and good wishes to Jair Bolsonaro)", https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2018/09/how-conservatives-made-ugly-to-be.html. This text in English with licentiousness pictures and videos at Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "How the Conservatives made ugly to be hetero and beautiful to be homo - episode 2: the decriminalization of homosexuality in India and notes about heterosexuality (and good wishes to Jair Bolsonaro)", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2018/09/how-conservatives-made-ugly-to-be.html. Texto original em português sem fotos e vídeos de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "Como os conservadores fizeram feio ser hétero e bonito ser homo - episódio 2: a descriminalização do homossexualismo na Índia e notas sobre heterossexualidade (e bons votos a Jair Bolsonaro)", https://avezdasmulheres.blogspot.com/2018/09/como-os-conservadores-fizeram-feio-ser.html. Texto original em português com fotos e vídeos de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "Como os conservadores fizeram feio ser hétero e bonito ser homo - episódio 2: a descriminalização do homossexualismo na Índia e notas sobre heterossexualidade (e bons votos a Jair Bolsonaro)", https://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com/2018/09/como-os-conservadores-fizeram-feio-ser.html.
NOVA DÉLHI. Com seus longos cabelos negros, seu sári colado ao corpo curvilíneo e um apetite sexual insaciável, a bela dona de casa indiana Savita Bhabhi era a maior inspiração das fantasias sexuais de milhões de indianos. Ela nasceu há um ano, ganhou vida na internet e se transformou na primeira estrela pornô em quadrinhos online da Índia. Mas Savita ganhou um poderoso inimigo: o governo do país a considerou obscena e inaceitável. Assim, as aventuras sexuais dessa "cunhada" indiana — o sobrenome Bhabhi significa mulher do irmão mais velho — chegaram ao fim. "Musa pornô vira caso de segurança nacional", O Globo, 09 de agosto de 2009, reproduzido em http://textosdoblog0news.blogspot.com/2009/08/musa-porno-vira-caso-de-seguranca_1669.html. |
NEW DELHI. With her long black hair, her sari attached to her curvaceous body and an insatiable sexual appetite, the beautiful Indian housewife Savita Bhabhi was the greatest inspiration of the sexual fantasies of millions of Indians. She was born a year ago, came to life on the internet and became the first online comic book porn star in India. But Savita gained a powerful enemy: the government of the country considered her obscene and unacceptable. So, the sexual adventures of this Indian "sister-in-law" - the surname Bhabhi means the wife of the older brother - came to an end. "Musa pornô vira caso de segurança nacional" (Porn muse becomes national security case), O Globo, August 09, 2009, reproduced at http://textosdoblog0news.blogspot.com/2009/08/musa-porno-vira-caso-de-seguranca_1669.html. |
NEW DELHI. Avec ses longs cheveux noirs, son sari attaché à son corps tout en courbes et son appétit sexuel insatiable, la belle ménagère indienne Savita Bhabhi était la plus grande source d'inspiration des fantasmes sexuels de millions d'indiens. Elle est née il y a un an, a pris vie sur Internet et est devenue la première star du porno de bande dessinée en ligne en Inde. Mais Savita a gagné un ennemi puissant: le gouvernement du pays l'a jugée obscène et inacceptable. Donc, les aventures sexuelles de cette «belle-sœur» indienne - le nom de famille Bhabhi signifiant la femme du frère aîné - ont pris fin. "Musa pornô vira caso de segurança nacional" (Muse porno devient une affaire de sécurité nationale), O Globo, 09 août 2009, reproduit à http://textosdoblog0news.blogspot.com/2009/08/musa-porno-vira-caso-de-seguranca_1669.html. |
NUEVA DELHI. Con su largo cabello negro, su sari unido a su cuerpo curvilíneo y un apetito sexual insaciable, la bella ama de casa india Savita Bhabhi fue la mayor inspiración de las fantasías sexuales de millones de indios. Nació hace un año, cobró vida en Internet y se convirtió en la primera estrella porno de cómic en línea en India. Pero Savita ganó un poderoso enemigo: el gobierno del país la consideró obscena e inaceptable. Entonces, las aventuras sexuales de esta "cuñada" india - el apellido Bhabhi significa la esposa del hermano mayor - llegaron a su fin. "Musa pornô vira caso de segurança nacional" (Musa porno se convierte en caso de seguridad nacional), O Globo, 09 de agosto de 2009, reproducido en http://textosdoblog0news.blogspot.com/2009/08/musa-porno-vira-caso-de-seguranca_1669.html. |
NUOVA DELHI. Con i suoi lunghi capelli neri, il suo sari attaccato al suo corpo sinuoso e un appetito sessuale insaziabile, la bella casalinga indiana Savita Bhabhi è stata la più grande fonte d'ispirazione delle fantasie sessuali di milioni di indiani. È nata un anno fa, ha preso vita su internet ed è diventata la prima pornostar dei fumetti online in India. Ma Savita conquistò un potente nemico: il governo del paese l'ha considerato oscena e inaccettabile. Così, le avventure sessuali di questa "cognata" indiana - il cognome Bhabhi significa la moglie del fratello maggiore - sono finite. "Musa pornô vira caso de segurança nacional" (Musa porno diventa un caso di sicurezza nazionale), O Globo, 09 agosto 2009, riprodotto a http://textosdoblog0news.blogspot.com/2009/08/musa-porno-vira-caso-de-seguranca_1669.html. |
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