venerdì 31 agosto 2018

Muslim female cosplayer (but not much covered) involved in controversy on sexual harassment

Abigail Pereira Aranha

COSPLAYER involved in controversy over HARASSMENT (Tramonte)[01]

[00:00 to 00:05] - Hey, folks, are you fine? I'm Tramonte, and this is Momokun.

EN: Momokun, blond, cleavage, large breasts. PT-BR: Momokun loura, decote, seios grandes. FR: Momokun, blonde, décolleté, gros seins. ES: Momokun, rubia, escote, pechos grandes. IT: Momokun, bionda, scollatura, seni grandi.

[00:05 to 00:07] - Hi-i!

[00:07 to 00:13] - But first of all, subscribe the channel, right? And Momokun, she lives from the sexualization of her own image.

EN: Momokun, brunette, wearing glasses, purple bra, large breasts. PT-BR: Momokun, morena, de óculos, sutiã roxo, seios grandes. FR: Momokun, brune, portant des lunettes, soutien-gorge violet, gros seins. ES: Momokun, morena, con gafas, sujetador morado, pechos grandes. IT: Momokun, bruna, con gli occhiali, il reggiseno viola, seni grandi.

[00:13 to 00:15] - Oh, I'm a bandit!

[00:15 to 00:23] - So, but what happens... is that Momokun, she's involved in a big controversy. Because... they're saying this was... a sexual harassment.

EN: Momokun tickling a woman, charge of sexual harassment. PT-BR: Momokun fazendo cócegas em uma mulher, acusação de assédio sexual. FR: Momokun chatouillant une femme, accusation de harcèlement sexuel. ES: Momokun haciendo cosquillas a una mujer, acusación de acoso sexual. IT: Momokun fa il solletico a una donna, accusa di molestia sessuale.

[00:30 to 00:39] - Hitherto, nothing too much, right? Just... tickling... in a... girl... maybe she was a friend of hers, right? But she went further.

EN: Momokun catching a man's butts, charge of sexual harassment. PT-BR: Momokun pegando a bunda de um homem, acusação de assédio sexual. FR: Momokun prendant les fesses d'un homme, accusation de harcèlement sexuel. ES: Momokun atrapando las colillas de un hombre, acusación de acoso sexual. IT: Momokun prendendo i mozziconi di un uomo, accusa di molestia sessuale.

[00:48 to 01:02] - And she squeezed that guy's butts there, huh, who apparently did not like it at all. You can even say me "ah, Tramonte, but this guy is a gay, a queer". It doesn't matter. Imagine if the roles were reversed.

EN: Man surrendered by police officers. PT-BR: Homem rendido por policiais. FR: Homme livré par policiers. ES: Hombre entregado por oficiales de policía. IT: Uomo arreso da agenti di polizia.

[01:06 to 01:21] - Imagine if casually it was... a guy who does cosplay... huh... and he went there, in the middle of a convention, and he squeezed the butts... of some chance girl... who he does not know, right? Even if he knew her, imagine the gravity of it.

EN: Red hair feminist woman, fighting. PT-BR: Mulher feminista cabelo ruivo brigando. FR: Femme féministe cheveux roux, combat. ES: Mujer pelirroja feminista, luchando. IT: Donna femminista capelli rossi, combattendo.

[01:25 to 01:35] - Then, Momokun... she... apologized in the following way: speaking that she has... attention deficit. That is,...

EN: Momokun pink hair, smiling. PT-BR: Momokun cabelo rosa, sorrindo. FR: Momokun cheveux roses, souriant. ES: Momokun cabello rosa, sonriendo. IT: Momokun capelli rosa, sorridendo. EN: Momokun pink hair, grimacing. PT-BR: Momokun cabelo rosa, fazendo careta. FR: Momokun cheveux roses, grimaçant. ES: Momokun cabello rosa, haciendo muecas. IT: Momokun capelli rosa, facendo smorfie.

[01:35 to 01:43] - It's two weights and two measures. I'm a woman, so I can do everything, huh. Feminist, besides. Oh, alas!

[01:43 to 01:55] - Nowadays, if you have attention... deficit... this... allows you to squeeze the butt of others, get out doing little ticks, go out grabbing... people there. At least... if you are Momokun.

EN: Fat feminist woman, elderly, with glasses, in a public transport vehicle. PT-BR: Mulher feminista gorda, idosa, de óculos, em um veículo de transporte público. FR: Femme féministe grosse, âgée, à lunettes, dans un véhicule de transport en commun. ES: Mujer feminista gorda, anciana, con gafas, en un vehículo de transporte público. IT: Donna femminista grassa, anziana, con gli occhiali, in un mezzo di trasporto pubblico.

[01:55 to 01:57] - Or a fat feminist.

[01:58 to 02:06] - Another excuse she used, huh... the minority fallacy. Whenever she is criticized, she comes... with that argument, of that she is a Muslim.

EN: Post by Momokun Cosplay on Facebook, in which she says herself Muslim. PT-BR: Postagem de Momokun Cosplay no Facebook, em que ela se diz muçulmana. FR: Post de Momokun Cosplay sur Facebook, dans lequel elle se dit musulmane. ES: Publicación de Momokun Cosplay en Facebook, en el que ella se dice musulmana. IT: Post di Momokun Cosplay su Facebook, in cui lei si dice musulmana.

[02:06 to 02:08] [Screenshot of a post from her on webpage]

[02:08 to 02:15] - And look... that does not "stick", because Momokun, she's as Muslim as Mia Khalifa.

[02:19 to 02:27] - And for those who do not know, Mia Khalifa, huh, winner... of the international Astrophysics championship for Brazil.

É com muito prazer e alegria que noticiamos a vitória da aluna de Guarapuava Milena Cristina Califa, que representou o Brasil na Olimpíada Mundial de Física. Como não é futebol, ninguém noticiou

[02:27 to 02:28] [Screenshot of a hoax on Facebook in which she would be a student from Guarapuava named Milena Cristina Califa]

[02:28 to 02:39] - And, well, that's not the only polemic she's involved in, right? Often she does cosplays of child characters... sexualizing these characters.

EN: Momokun, pink hair, bikini, large breasts. PT-BR: Momokun cabelo rosa, biquíni, seios grandes. FR: Momokun, cheveux roses, bikini, gros seins. ES: Momokun, cabello rosado, bikini, pechos grandes. IT: Momokun, capelli rosa, bikini, grandi seni.

[02:39 to 02:40] [sound of vomit]

[02:40 to 02:51] - What, according to some people,... can influence there... in acts of pedophilia or... early sexualization of children. But then I'll leave it to you... to judge.

EN: Momokun, purple hair, lifting the back of her dress. PT-BR: Momokun cabelo roxo, levantando a parte de trás do vestido. FR: Momokun, cheveux violets, soulevant le dos de sa robe. ES: Momokun, pelo morado, levantando la parte posterior de su vestido. IT: Momokun, capelli viola, sollevando la parte posteriore del suo vestito.

[03:08 to 03:11] - Tramonte here, folks. A big hug, bye, bye.

My comments

The Tramonte video was an drawn example of what I warned, for example, in November 2015:[02]

The alleged right-wing anti-feminism has the role of combatting not Feminism, but what remains of female heterosexuality and contacts between non-married men and women, and it will last until the radical left becomes even stronger or the moderate left finishes it (radical left).

Tramonte erred in saying that Momokun is as Muslim as Mia Khalifa, and this is less off the subject than it seems. Mia Khalifa at least did not try to show herself as Muslim when she was threatened with death after become the first position in Pornhub because of the film in which she is characterized as a Muslim.[03]

Revelando: Enki Bracaj conseguiu um emprego na televisão albanesa depois de mostrar os seios através de um top aberto durante testes de tela (foto), mas foi suspensa depois de concordar em fazer um ensaio para a Playboy

Ah, do you remember that Albanian newspaper anchor that presented herself with a scandalous neckline and lost the post when she was going to accept a proposal to pose for Playboy? She, Enki Bracaj, was also a Muslim, or at least her family was. And she even consulted the family to see if they let her present herself like that.[04]

It doesn't fail to be a good observation by Tramonte that the case would be much more scandalous if the genres were changed, a man who does cosplay by running his hand on a woman's butts. But he makes here the same mistake as feminist women who say that male sexuality is encouraged (heterosexuality) while female sexuality is repressed. The solutions that feminists (not only women) present, in the last analysis, are two: the first is that men to be as ashamed of being heterosexual as women are; the second is that women to be as vulgar as they say men are (and some are).

And look, while I was organizing these ideas, I saw a case of a female teacher accused of sexual abuse against a 13-year-old student.[05] Several conservatives came with the choir "pedophile!", and a 13-year-old person is a teenager, and sexual attraction to teenagers is ephebophilia. I have told this other case to illustrate two problems. The first is the stupidity of the conservatives in general of not knowing the very terms that speak or write. Conservatism only had a chance to gain attention because, in the case of Brazil, the Workers' Party (PT) in politics and the far-left in the militancy made enough nonsense to stumble in their own legs. Without this, the PT would be ending its ininterrupt 16th year in the Presidency of the Republic with 70% approval, and antifeminist women would still be misshapen provincials with the envy of those who had an orgasm in their lives. The second problem is that, as I have already pointed out in two texts, the Christian conservatives tried to make ugly to be heterosexual and ended up making it beautiful to be anything but the three things (Christian conservative and hetero).[06]

EN: Wonder Woman with big ass. PT-BR: Mulher Maravilha com bunda grande. FR: Wonder Woman avec gros cul. ES: Mujer Maravilla con gran culo. IT: Wonder Woman con un grosso culo.

And as for the supposed encouragement of pedophilia by the sensual cosplay of children's characters, the association of adult pornography with pedophilia is an old lie by Conservatives. As if it were not unmasked by logic and experience, the Conservatives have already clearly shown that they do not even know what pedophilia is (as I showed by quoting ephebophilia in the previous paragraph). I've warned since 2015 that Conservatives will help the left-wing with this scarecrow.[07]

I did not searched about the case and Tramonte also did not give references. But what I saw in Momokun's response was yet another example of how left-wing Feminism did not bring heterosexual sexual liberation to women. It seems like she really made a joke on the boy, it really does seem that it was not the same thing as a man running his hand over a woman's butts. By the way, we are already in a time, in Brazil and the United States, where a woman shaping a beautiful body and walking half naked on the street does not mean she likes men to look at her. Not even that this woman, according to the city, does not go to report a man to him to pay a fine by sexual harassment if she understands a "hi" as such. It's the half freedom I called Femdom Revolution.[08] And a possible sign that this is already annoying is that the girl has a very sexualized image and a man did not like her hand touching his butts, and maybe he's not even gay.

Let's go back to Momokun saying herself Muslim, this has to do with everything I commented here. Have we never had porn actresses or models of adult material in Brazil or in the United States who were Catholic, Protestant, or Evangelical? Why did not any of them defend herself by saying that she was no less fervent in faith than other Christian women? Do you know some evangelical prostitute? I know some. None of them say something like "I'm a prostitute and I'm a practicing Christian", unless when someone observes that the prostitute is religious. I am Atheist and I am licentious, I even have against Christian Conservatism the horror of sexuality. But it does not cease worrying me that being a traditional Christian is a cause for shame or marginalization, because the fight against Christian Conservatism is being done for wrong goals. And the same people who do this fight in general are at least indifferent if heterosexuality is still treated as a intimate thing. If I was a lesbian, I could be a member of an evangelical church and be an instrumentalist in the praise. I saw a case like that.[09]

But this case also proves something else: the world already lives without the Christian Conservatism, but not without the sexual repression.


[01] "Cosplayer envolvida em controvérsia sobre assédio", Tramonte, August 24, 2018,

[02] "Direita cristã, acabou! - parte 7: verdades inconvenientes que eu estou dizendo há meses", November 19, 2015, A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade,; and A Vez dos Homens que Prestam,

[03] "Pornhub star Mia Khalifa receives death threats after being ranked the site's top adult actress", Independent, January 07, 2015,

[04] I commented the case in "The news anchor who won her job with a half-topless, the feminine mediocrity, machismo and Feminism: some notes", October 24, 2015, Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail,; and Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail,

[05] "Professora é investigada por abusar sexualmente de aluno de 13 anos", SAP em notícia, August 16, 2018,

[06] "Nanda Costa, Camila Pitanga e como os conservadores fizeram feio ser hétero e bonito ser lésbica", June 13, 2018, A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade,; and A Vez dos Homens que Prestam, "Como os conservadores fizeram feio ser hétero e bonito ser homo: um 'reacting' contra um vídeo para agradar os LGBT's depois de outro contra um para agradar os homens héteros", July 13, 2018, A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade,; and A Vez dos Homens que Prestam,

[07] "Esqueça a pedofilia, o perigo é outro", June 08, 2015, A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade,; and A Vez dos Homens que Prestam,

[08] "The femdom revolution", July 25, 2015, Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail,; and Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail, "De volta à Revolução Femdom", July 29, 2017, A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade,; and A Vez dos Homens que Prestam,


[00:00 to 00:12] Hi, I'm Jessica, I'm founder of the Canal das Bee on Youtube, I've always had a very close relationship with God and with the church, I played guitar in the church, but that does not change nothing of the fact that I am a feminist and a lesbian.

Uber Brasil, July 20, 2018 at 17:02,

Questo testo in italiano senza immagini e video di dissolutezza in Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Cosplayer musulmana (ma non molto coperta) coinvolta in controversia su molestia sessuale",
Questo testo in italiano con immagini e video di dissolutezza in Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Cosplayer musulmana (ma non molto coperta) coinvolta in controversia su molestia sessuale",
Ce texte en français sans photos et vidéos de libertinage au Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Cosplayeuse musulmane (mais pas très couverte) impliquée dans une controverse sur le harcèlement sexuel",
Ce texte en français avec photos et vidéos de libertinage au Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Cosplayeuse musulmane (mais pas très couverte) impliquée dans une controverse sur le harcèlement sexuel",
Eso texto en español sin fotos y videos de putaría en Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Cosplayer musulmana (pero no muy cubierta) involucrada en controversia sobre acoso sexual",
Eso texto en español con fotos y videos de putaría en Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Cosplayer musulmana (pero no muy cubierta) involucrada en controversia sobre acoso sexual",
This text in English without licentiousness pictures and videos at Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Muslim female cosplayer (but not much covered) involved in controversy on sexual harassment",
This text in English with licentiousness pictures and videos at Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Muslim female cosplayer (but not much covered) involved in controversy on sexual harassment",
Texto original em português sem fotos e vídeos de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "Cosplayer muçulmana (mas não muito coberta) envolvida em controvérsia sobre assédio sexual",
Texto original em português com fotos e vídeos de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "Cosplayer muçulmana (mas não muito coberta) envolvida em controvérsia sobre assédio sexual",
Seção de sexo, safadeza, putaria, mulher pelada, pornografia
Section of sex, lust, licentiousness, naked woman, pornography
Section de sexe, luxure, débauche, femmes nues, pornographie
Sezione de sesso, libertinaggio, lussuria, donna nuda, pornografia
Sección de sexo, perrez, putaría, mujer desnuda, pornografía

Slutty Muslims do a hot threesome with the boyfriend

Horny Muslims cannot hold their sexual desire to fuck so the girlfriend give a blowjob to the boyfriend during dinner under the table. The stepmom catches her so she joins the fucking action until the [original text truncated]

With Julianna Vega and Mia Khalifa. After about 3:40, they lick one another, argh!

Putas muçulmanas fazem um trio quente com o namorado

Muçulmanos cheios de tesão não conseguem segurar seu desejo sexual para foder, assim a namorada dá um boquete no namorado durante o jantar debaixo da mesa. A madrasta pega ela, então ela se junta a ação até que [texto original truncado]

Com Julianna Vega e Mia Khalifa. Depois de cerca de 3:40, elas se lambem, argh!

Putains musulmanes font un trio chaud avec le petit ami

Musulmans cornées ne peut pas tenir leur désir sexuel pour baiser, alors la petite amie faire une fellation à l'ami pendant le dîner sous la table. La belle-mère l'attrape, elle se joint à l'action de baiser jusqu'à ce que [texte original tronqué]

Avec Julianna Vega et Mia Khalifa. Après environ 3:40, elles lèchent un l'autre, argh!

Putas musulmanas hacen un trío caliente con el novio

Musulmanes cachondos no pueden contener su deseo sexual de follar, por lo que la novia da una mamada al novio durante la cena debajo de la mesa. La madrastra la atrapa, así ella se une a la acción de cogida hasta que [texto truncado el original]

Con Julianna Vega y Mia Khalifa. Después de aproximadamente 03:40, ellas se lamen una a la otra, ¡argh!

Puttane musulmane fanno un caldo trio con il fidanzato

I musulmani cornei non possono tenere il loro desiderio sessuale di scopare, così la ragazza dà un pompino al ragazzo durante la cena sotto il tavolo. La matrigna la sorprende, così lei si unisce l'azione di fottuta fino a [testo originale troncato]

Con Julianna Vega e Mia Khalifa. Dopo circa 3:40, loro si leccano l'una l'altra, argh!

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Wonder Woman with big ass fucked
Mulher Maravilha com bunda grande fodida
Wonder Woman avec gros cul baisée
Mujer Maravilla con gran culo jodida
Wonder Woman con un grosso culo scopata

EN: Wonder Woman with big ass. PT-BR: Mulher Maravilha com bunda grande. FR: Wonder Woman avec gros cul. ES: Mujer Maravilla con gran culo. IT: Wonder Woman con un grosso culo.

EN: Wonder Woman with big ass fucked. PT-BR: Mulher Maravilha com bunda grande fodida. FR: Wonder Woman avec gros cul baisée. ES: Mujer Maravilla con gran culo jodida. IT: Wonder Woman con un grosso culo scopata.

EN: Wonder Woman with big ass fucked. PT-BR: Mulher Maravilha com bunda grande fodida. FR: Wonder Woman avec gros cul baisée. ES: Mujer Maravilla con gran culo jodida. IT: Wonder Woman con un grosso culo scopata.

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